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Millions of Dollars Of Credits Are Frozen In Taxpayer Accounts

By Janathan L. Allen, APC of Janathan L. Allen, APC posted in Tax Controversy on Monday, December 22, 2014. According to a recent report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the Internal Revenue Service has failed to take action to resolve millions of dollars in so-called "frozen credit...

Estate Planning: What Is an Ethical Will?

By Janathan L. Allen, APC of Janathan L. Allen, APC posted in Estates on Saturday, December 6, 2014. No doubt you have heard of wills and trusts before, as well as the concept of estate planning. But what about ethical wills? Not many people use, or even know what, an...

California Ranked As One Of The Worst States For Business Taxes

By Janathan L. Allen, APC of Janathan L. Allen, APC posted in California Tax on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Is California ranked as one of the worst states from the perspective of business taxation?  The Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy research organization, recently published its annual State Business Tax...