Many foreign nationals come to the US each year, often under an H1-B visa, in order to live and work. It is important for you to understand US tax laws as a resident of the United States - even if you have not yet received a green card or other permanent...
The World is Becoming Much Smaller for Tax Evasion
It is a bitter pill to swallow. There are fewer and fewer secrets. The world is becoming much smaller for tax evasion and the authorities have broken the backs of banks and financial institutions worldwide. They have used FATCA to drag huge Swiss Banks and Cayman Island institutions into court...
Important Tax Information for Foreign Nationals in US
Are you a foreign national living or working in the United States? Allen Barron has important tax information for foreign nationals in US territories or who live and work in any of the 50 states: You are required to report all foreign bank accounts, investments and assets to the IRS...
None of My Friends are Worried About FBARs Why Should I?
Foreign nationals who reside in the United States and those who are here working on an H1-B visa are required to report all offshore bank and investment accounts, assets and income to the IRS and to come into compliance with FBAR reporting. We have heard many clients ask: "None of my...
How Complicated is a Non-Willful Claim on IRS Streamlined Application?
How complicated is a non-willful claim on IRS Streamlined application form 14654? Lets just say the IRS isn't going to take your word for it, slap you on the wrist with a 5% penalty and send you on your way. In fact, the Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures form 14654 requests...
Foreign Nationals Must Meet FBAR Compliance – Residing or Working in US
For those who are residing or working in the United States it is important to understand foreign nationals must meet FBAR compliance and reporting. Many professionals working under an H1-B visa, or those who are married to US citizens do not realize they must make a full disclosure of their...
US Offshore Taxpayers FBAR and FATCA Still Great Concern for IRS Watchdog
A leading IRS National Taxpayer Advocate has issued her mid-year findings for 2016 last week. The report is very critical on the agency's support of US offshore taxpayers and expatriates, and focused upon the IRS' goals for the rest of 2016. The number one area of focus continues to be...
Treasury Department and IRS Propose Changes to Offshore Business Taxes and Inversion
The US Treasury Department and the IRS to propose changes to offshore business taxes and a practice known as "Inversion." A hearing yesterday brought stiff resistance from representatives in the business community and others seeking to preserve offshore tax advantages. "Inversion" is one of the specific strategies addressed in the...
The IRS has Begun Data Mining for Offshore FBAR Audit Targets
It's official. The FBAR audit warnings and IRS data mining you've been reading about in this space for the past several years have been confirmed by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ): U.S. Mining Swiss Bank Data to Find Tax Cheats It wasn't a question of "if" it was a question...