Are you aware of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights? We are reminded, especially during tax season, that taxpayers have 10 essential rights when dealing with the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS expects its employees to understand and apply taxpayer rights throughout the process of either an IRS audit or an...
What to do if You Receive an IRS Audit Notification Letter
What should you do if you receive an IRS audit notification letter? Why should you consider engaging experienced IRS audit and tax attorney Janathan Allen, who represents U.S. taxpayers facing an IRS audit or any other federal or state tax issue. There are several things you should know if you...
Most Business Owners Undervalue Accounting
It's astonishing how many business owners undervalue accounting and its profound financial impact on business operations, transactions, taxation, and profit. An effective accounting strategy captures the information required to quickly and accurately identify potential business challenges and opportunities. Accurate accounting is the key to reducing tax exposure while providing critical...
An IRS Audit Doesn’t Have to Be a Nightmare
An IRS audit doesn't have to be a nightmare of financial and emotional fear. How do most US taxpayers react when they receive an audit letter from the IRS? What are the actions you can take to not only improve the likelihood of the best possible outcome in an IRS...
What Does the Recent OTA Ruling Tell You About a California Tax Audit?
What does the recent OTA ruling tell you about a California tax audit? What can we learn from the results of an investigation by the Office of Tax Appeals (OTA) into the practices of a California tax agency? Why do you need an experienced San Diego tax attorney if you...
ABCast Episode 23 – What Can A Tax Attorney Do For You?
Episode 23 - What Can A Tax Attorney Do For You provides insight an answers into why you should have a tax attorney in your inner circle of advisors. Your tax attorney should provide resolution of tax issues, transactional planning including ...
How Does the IRS Use AI to Identify Tax Cheats?
Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) increase the likelihood of an IRS audit in your future? How does the IRS use AI to identify US taxpayers who attempt to hide assets, under-report income or otherwise cheat the IRS? In a recent interview, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel began to lay out a vision...
Are There Strategies to Avoid an IRS Audit?
Are there strategies to avoid an IRS audit? What are some of the known risks for triggering an IRS audit? What should you do if you have are concerned about the information provided a previous tax return? Is there a way to amend a previous return or come into compliance...
What Are the Statute of Limitations on an IRS and California Tax Audit?
What are the statute of limitations on an IRS audit and a California tax audit? There is a time limit, known as the "statute of limitations", when the IRS and/or California must complete an audit of your tax returns. It is important to understand the concept of the statute of...