What is the necessity of succession planning for business owners and why should you be concerned about this if you own a business or a significant interest in an LLC, S-Corporation or C-Corporation? Your business is a valuable asset, usually the most valuable asset you control. It is not only...
Can Establishing or Reviewing a Family Trust Save You Money?
Can establishing or reviewing a family trust save you money? The bucket full of cash may be understating the matter, as an effective estate plan avoids expensive and time-consuming Probate Court. The financial picture has changed for many spouses and families since they established a family trust or A-B...
Are You Prepared for the Great Wealth Transfer?
Are you aware of and/or prepared for the “Great Wealth Transfer?” What is the Great Wealth Transfer and how will this affect tax and estate planning in the months and years to come? The “baby boomers” (those born between 1946 and 1964) represent a substantial portion of the US population. ...
Review and Update your Trust in San Diego
You should review and update your trust in San Diego every two to three years. If you have created an estate plan that includes a revocable trust or multiple layers of trusts it is important to review changes in federal and state law, as well as the health of associated...