If you are working through the financial issues at the end of your marriage taxation in a divorce settlement must be considered before you sign the final agreement. Child support is neither deductible to the payor nor taxable to the recipient. Many Californians are unaware that spousal support is taxable...
Consider the Tax Ramifications of Your San Diego Divorce
While many people are obviously concerned about core issues such as child custody and parenting time and support payments, you should consider the tax ramifications of your San Diego divorce before signing a settlement agreement. Allen Barron's seasoned tax attorneys and accounting professionals work with your family law or divorce attorney...
Evaluating the Tax Implications of Your Divorce
What are the tax implications of your divorce and how can you maximize net income after taxes? Many San Diego divorces involve significant assets such as ownership of a closely-held business or professional practice, retirement assets such as a 401(k) or IRA, equity in the family home and other real estate...
Tax Implications of Your San Diego Divorce
What are the tax implications of your San Diego divorce and how can you maximize the value of every dollar that leaves your account? It is important to understand the net amount of money that will leave your accounts each year for child support, spousal support and other settlement agreements...