Are you looking for San Diego tax preparation and filing services and a firm with the expertise to handle complex issues such as business ownership in an LLC or S Corporation, offshore investments and bank accounts, or international business interests? Allen Barron has decades of experience and service to the...
New International Corporate Tax Discussions Unfold in US Congress
While new international corporate tax discussions unfold in the US Congress, American businesses brace for a tax scheme that could change some of the fundamentals of international business and associated Effective Tax Rates or ETRs. The majority party in Congress favors a "destination-based cash flow tax." Are we really moving...
International Challenges Facing San Diego Businesses
Allen Barron is uniquely positioned to support and advise international San Diego business owners and corporations. There are substantial international challenges facing San Diego businesses as well as those who wish to bring their business opportunities to the United States. San Diego is home to a large number of H1-B...