Could the new tax bill allow repatriation of offshore funds at a lower tax rate? It is believed that US non-financial companies have almost $2 Trillion (yes, Trillion with a "T") and 70% of that money is located overseas as US corporations structured companies and transactions to move income to...
Business Contracts Guide Transactions to Successful Conclusions
Experienced business professionals know from experience that business contracts guide transactions to successful conclusions. They understand the value and importance of a well-crafted business contract and the role it will play in reducing misunderstandings and contract disputes. A well conceived business contract clearly establishes the intent and role of each...
Business Contracts Shouldn’t Be Downloaded or Repurposed
Business contracts are the foundation of successful transactions or relationships, and should never be downloaded, or copied and re-purposed from a previous business experience. A contract establishes the complete basis of the relationship between the parties, the responsibility of each and the "benefit of the bargain" each expects to receive...