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How will International Business Change in the Coming Months?

The question of the hour for many multi-national conglomerates and San Diego businesses with international distribution and supply channels is "How will international business change in the coming months?"  The answer is surrounded in a cloud of Washington posturing and floated proposals.  One thing seems certain: The United States Government...

Caterpillar an Example of IRS Focus on International Business

Caterpillar has become an example of the IRS focus on international business and the aggressive tax planning strategies employed by multinationals in an attempt to shield income from US taxation.  Just last week, the President loudly proclaimed "I love Caterpillar!"  This week, their headquarters were raided by federal agents looking...

GE Outsourcing Tax and Some Accounting A Good Model According to WSJ

An article this week in the Wall Street Journal noted General Electric (GE) had executed a strategy for outsourcing tax and some accounting services that other corporations are sure to follow.  GE has decided to implement a "tax outsourcing" plan that will move internal employees to an external tax and...

New International Corporate Tax Discussions Unfold in US Congress

While new international corporate tax discussions unfold in the US Congress, American businesses brace for a tax scheme that could change some of the fundamentals of international business and associated Effective Tax Rates or ETRs.  The majority party in Congress favors a "destination-based cash flow tax."  Are we really moving...

A New World of Financial Transparency and International Tax

2017 is dawning on a new world of financial transparency and international tax cooperation between global sovereign tax authorities and the world's banks and investment houses.  What does this mean for international investors, US taxpayers with offshore accounts and assets and international business?  In short - a reckoning. The primary...

Brazilian FATCA Offshore Disclosures Net $4 Billion US

The deadline for Brazil's offshore account, income and asset reporting passed last week.  The Brazilian Federal Revenue Secretariat (SRF) - Brazil's equivalent of the IRS - claims more than $4 Billion (US) in revenues from voluntary disclosures much like the US Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program or OVDP.  The Brazilian FATCA offshore...