Most small businesses and corporations of all sizes are focused upon California business taxes as we approach the March 15th filing deadline. The business and corporate tax filing deadline for most businesses who operate on the "calendar year" basis is on the 15th day of the third month following the...
S Corporation Shareholders Should Be Watching Developments in Washington Closely
S Corporation shareholders should be watching developments in Washington closely as the tax bills advance. The recently passed house bill would create a new 25 percent tax bracket for what is referred to as "pass-through entities" such as S Corporations. The tax would apply to that portion of business net...
Could the New Tax Bill Allow Repatriation of Offshore Funds
Could the new tax bill allow repatriation of offshore funds at a lower tax rate? It is believed that US non-financial companies have almost $2 Trillion (yes, Trillion with a "T") and 70% of that money is located overseas as US corporations structured companies and transactions to move income to...
New Tax Proposal Includes a 25% Pass Through Corporate Tax
While it is far too soon to draw conclusions on Washington's proposed tax reforms, the impact on LLC and S Corporations looks to be significant. The new tax proposal includes a 25% pass through corporate tax which could affect the majority of American business owners. Pass through profits are presently...
Does the New Corporate Tax Proposal Actually Create New Tax Shelter Opportunities?
The President's new corporate tax proposal rate of 15% may actually prove to create tax shelters for US taxpayers that would extremely difficult for the IRS to detect or pierce. At issue is the proposed 35% top individual tax rate and the 15% corporate tax rate which would apply to income...
Was the Caterpillar Raid a Sign of Where Corporate Tax Battles are Headed?
Really? That was my first reaction to the news that federal agents including the IRS had raided the offices of Caterpillar, one of America's greatest traditional companies. My next reaction was a bit more harsh, trending toward disgust. Is this a sign of where corporate tax battles are really headed?...
Caterpillar an Example of IRS Focus on International Business
Caterpillar has become an example of the IRS focus on international business and the aggressive tax planning strategies employed by multinationals in an attempt to shield income from US taxation. Just last week, the President loudly proclaimed "I love Caterpillar!" This week, their headquarters were raided by federal agents looking...
Border Tax Debate Heats Up
The border tax debate heats up as more and more business leaders descend on Washington to meet with lawmakers to express concerns. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was quoted as saying "“[The border adjustment tax is] putting American-made products at a huge advantage. There’s a built-in bias in our...