There are many questions to consider when forming an LLC in San Diego. Are you in the process of a start-up business, and preparing to form a new LLC in Southern California? There are several issues you should consider before approving and filing the associated forms and corporate documents. The...
How Successful Will Your New San Diego Company Be? Look at Your Business Contracts
How successful will your new San Diego company be? The clearest forecast of any new business is the quality of their business contracts and the clarity they bring to all aspects of running a company such as: Employment Agreements Corporate Policies and Procedures Contracts with Suppliers and Vendors Sales Agreements...
Forming a New Company in San Diego? Which Entity is Best for you?
Are you forming a new company in San Diego? Which entity is best for your new venture? The four basic options are an LLC, S Corporation, C Corporation and a Professional Corporation (PC). The selection of the legal entity for a new business is one of the first significant challenges an entrepreneur...