There are several steps to follow when preparing to sell your business. It is important to allow plenty of time for planning and organization, as the process will usually require many months to a year or more. Why does it take so long to prepare your business for sale? The...
Risks Associated with a Lack of Due Diligence
What are the risks associated with a lack of due diligence in a San Diego asset purchase, stock purchase, merger or acquisition? Why are many business professionals more likely to make due diligence less of a priority? Due diligence is so much less "attractive" than the deal making portion of the...
The Due Diligence of a San Diego Asset Purchase
The due diligence of a San Diego asset purchase is quite often given less priority and attention than it must warrant. An asset purchase transaction is actually legally quite complex. The buyer agrees to purchase the specific assets and associated liabilities the asset purchase contract specifies will be acquired and/or...
Asset Purchase Transactions Are Often Legally Complex
Asset purchase transactions are often legally quite complex. Too often an asset purchase contract is created and entered into without the comprehensive due diligence required to ensure clear title. These transactions are much more than a bill of sale and researching the encumbrances which might exist on the asset(s) to...
The Advantages of a San Diego Stock Purchase
What are the advantages of a San Diego stock purchase to complete a merger or acquisition? Why wouldn't an asset purchase be the best strategy for any buyer? The simple answer is a stock purchase allows the buyer to "step into the shoes" of the seller, and assume control of...
Merger or Acquisition through an Asset Purchase
Are you looking for ways to grow your business or expand into new markets? The experienced business consultants and attorneys at Allen Barron can guide you in a merger or acquisition through an asset purchase agreement. There are two ways to purchase a company or competitor: an asset purchase or...
Selling A Business in San Diego Requires Business, Tax, Financial and Legal Expertise
Selling a business in San Diego requires a diverse cross-section of professional services including business expertise, tax advice, financial planning and legal expertise. Allen Barron provides this broad scope of services in a single-source vendor. What is the value of a single-source professional partner when selling your business? The complexity...
Acquisition of a Competitor a Sound Growth Strategy
The acquisition of a competitor - in whole or in part - is a sound growth strategy for any San Diego business. The structure of the transaction itself, as well as the due diligence to ensure the quality of the targeted assets or company, go a long way to ensuring...
Mergers and Acquisitions Strategies for 2016 in San Diego
There are several possible mergers and acquisitions strategies for 2016 for a San Diego business. What is the best opportunity for your business to grow? What are your long term plans as the owner of the business? Are you planning a merger, acquisition or the sale of your company? How...