I find that most questions of sales tax seem to be pretty straight forward for most experienced San Diego business clients. But if your business model involves a strategy that combines labor, installation and construction things can get murky quickly. How you set up your business and accounting systems, your ability to track supplies and materials, and the classification of labor on each project will have a significant impact on how a job is taxed, as well as the profitability and competitiveness of your business. Tax codes can be quite complex, and labor on one project may be classified completely differently than labor on another. As a business person, you need to have your finger on the pulse of each of these issues and a clear system for capturing specific types of labor and construction as well as the cost of goods applied to each job.
Are you concerned about taxation as it relates to your construction business here in San Diego? Have you been contacted by the California Board of Equalization (BOE), IRS or another tax agency with questions about your returns or operational procedures? Contact an experienced and proven business tax attorney with the expertise to guide you through these issues, while managing all communications with the BOE, IRS and tax authorities. Call for a free consultation today at 866-631-3470, and learn how Allen Barron can protect your business and help you to thrive and grow.