If you receive a notice regarding an FTB or IRS garnishment or levy you have a limited time to take action that will significantly affect your financial future. The notice of a levy indicates the IRS or FTB is about to seize all of the money in one or more of your bank accounts. This will not only affect any of the money you presently have in those accounts, but any funds that come into your account in the future. There are alternatives to a levy, and the experienced tax attorneys at Allen Barron will provide a free and substantive consultation to discuss your alternatives at 866-631-3470.
If you receive a notification regarding an FTB or IRS garnishment, you are facing a deduction from your paycheck that will affect your ability to pay basic bills. The calculations for a garnishment are based upon federal cost of living statistics that are far below the actual costs required to live here in the San Diego area. The IRS or FTB will take a substantial portion of your paycheck for the foreseeable future unless you take a moment to make the free call for a substantive consultation at 866-631-3470. Learn what alternatives are available, and how the experienced tax controversy and IRS garnishment attorneys at Allen Barron can make a difference for you and your family budget.
These cases are serious business, and require seasoned experts. The financial challenges you face today can be changed, and overcome. Together, we can work through the financial issues and tax controversy you are facing with the IRS or FTB and get things headed in the right direction. There are new programs available through the IRS, and California’s tax agencies will almost always work with our attorneys to develop a solution that works for all parties. On your own, the levy or garnishment will happen, and once in place it is much more difficult to work with or remove. That is why it is so important for you to contact us today for your free consult at 866-631-3470.