The experienced team at Allen Barron wishes all of San Diego a prosperous and successful 2021.? We have enjoyed the professional and personal relationships we’ve developed with our clients in 2020, and are looking forward to restoring a more traditional business environment and recovering from the health and business impact of COVID-19 in 2020.
Words cannot express the profound impact of COVID-19 on all of our lives in 2020.? We have all borne the risks and ultimately the long term impact and loss of life wrought by COVID-19.
As we work to manage the impact of the pandemic on our business and personal lives we look forward to the hope of medical advances, vaccination and ultimately a return to a more normal experience of daily life.
Allen Barron is uniquely positioned to help individuals, business owners and companies to comply with 2020 tax reporting while positioning for a more successful 2021.
At Allen Barron, we strive to provide a unique level of service to our clients.? We provide legal, tax, accounting and business advisory services to clients across many business and technology sectors, as well as the individuals who own these businesses and support the economic growth of San Diego.? Business decisions in 2016 are more complex and competitive than ever.? Sound business decisions are informed by real information gleaned at every point throughout your business, as well as external business and economic factors.? Allen Barron helps our clients to develop the systems to capture valuable data in every aspect of their business, so that business decisions can be based upon real and sound financial and business related information.
Our tax team combines extensive experience with the IRS and California tax agencies with strong international business expertise to provide informed guidance to those with offshore interests and foreign bank accounts and investments.? If you have been contacted by the IRS for an audit, or need to come into FATCA compliance with FBAR reporting and the IRS we are prepared to help.
We invite all potential business and individual clients to contact us or call today for a free and substantial consultation at 866-631-3470.? Lets work together to make 2021 the most successful and profitable business year for your initiatives.