Many start-up companies and small business professionals attempt to download and modify their own business contracts, or create them based upon a contract from a previous employment experience. After decades of experience as a business attorney I can tell you self crafted contracts lead to expensive disputes and lost profits. It’s not a matter of “if” it’s a matter of “when.” The challenge lies in the details, as well as the underlying laws unique to California.
Many download sites provide boilerplate contracts. There’s nothing wrong with a boilerplate as a starting point – we use them to save clients money. However, we take the time to discuss the transaction or relationship the contract will govern, and the specifics related to the business at hand. There are literally dozens of alternative decisions to be made as we craft the unique contract that will accomplish your business objectives while reducing the likelihood of a misunderstanding, dispute or worst of all – litigation.
The old saying “the devil is in the details” is especially true in contract development. How do self crafted contracts lead to expensive disputes and why are the details so important. Isn’t it enough to simply write down what each party is responsible to do, the time frame and the goods, services or money to exchanged? Quite simply, No! Not unless you are prepared to have your project, business or employment relationship result in time consuming expensive business litigation. The more vague the contract, the greater the risk that an expensive disagreement will arise.
At Allen Barron, our expert contract attorneys can review and edit existing agreements or develop business and employment contracts tailored to your company and its operations. We carefully craft agreements that clearly explain the role of the parties and the benefit of the bargain. Our contracts ensure that all foreseeable issues are specifically addressed within the contract itself. When a challenge comes up, the contract specifies the remedy and easily guides the parties through to a successful conclusion. You can absolutely predict the long term success and profitability of a company by the quality of their business contracts.
Most importantly, the cost of our contracts is easily and quickly offset by the smooth business relationships and transactions your firm enjoys. If you are interested in having your existing contracts reviewed, or require an experienced business contract attorney to craft agreements for your business we invite you to call for a free consult at 866-631-3470.