Allen Barron is uniquely structured to provide business advisory, legal and tax services for foreign corporate owners and those with offshore interests. We can help you to establish a foreign entity, or evaluate the benefits of a joint venture or the licensing of intellectual property to establish your goals for expanding your business presence and profitability in offshore markets. In 2016, business is global, and Allen Barron has deep expertise in international business and tax matters. We will help you to structure your entity, and set up the internal accounting and reporting systems that will inform your decisions and maximize your return on investment.
Offshore businesses generate compliance issues. The Foreign Account and Tax Compliance Act or FATCA has revolutionized the transparent exchange of information between the IRS and foreign sovereign tax authorities, as well as foreign banks and financial institutions. Allen Barron’s experienced international tax attorneys provide sound counsel on all aspects of business transactions, organizational structures and the nature of transferring goods and services between entities.
The global economy provides significant business opportunity for the right types of business owners and investors. We provide the legal and tax services for foreign corporate owners to ensure compliance with international and local laws and regulations, while balancing IRS business and personal taxation and FBAR reporting requirements. Our accounting experts assist with the design and implementation of accounting processes and systems that help you to track the intricacies of an international business, while having access to critical information and dashboard interfaces for quick analysis and oversight.
If you are considering the establishment of a foreign corporation, or are an offshore company considering a move to the US, we invite you to contact us for a complimentary and substantive consultation at 866-631-3470. Allen Barron is a single-source integrated vendor who is a valued counselor at every stage of foreign business ownership, from business formation through investment and acquisition, to operations, taxation and ultimately sale or disposition of a foreign investment or corporate interest.