Trust Litigation
Trust Litigation Attorney Serving San Diego
Trust disputes can be legally complicated and emotionally draining. They can involve family relationships, significant assets and even civil trials. Trust litigation calls for balanced and seasoned legal representation, backed by the financial, accounting and tax expertise required to develop accurate answers and appropriate solutions.
If you are experiencing a trust dispute that threatens to escalate into a lawsuit, get help. Seek the advice of a lawyer with an excellent understanding of trusts and a strong ability to solve complex problems. The experienced trust litigation and dispute resolution attorneys at Allen Barron have represented all perspectives in a trust dispute: trustee, beneficiary and in some case the grantor of the trust itself.
Defense for a Trustee
The instructions contained within trust documents can be quite sensitive. In many cases, during their estate planning process the grantor has attempted to protect a beneficiary from a perceived weakness (such as addiction or a lack of money handling skills) or perhaps the beneficiary is simply too young to make sound informed decisions. This can be hard for the beneficiary to understand, and they may feel it is necessary to take legal action against the trustee or the trust itself. We have represented trustees in trust litigation providing sound counsel as well as support with documentation, financial analysis, tax strategy and trust law advice.
Representation for Beneficiaries of a Trust
A common scenario finds a situation where one beneficiary’s request is honored, but a similar request from a different beneficiary is turned down. This may be a valid cause to challenge the position of the trustee and hold them accountable. There are cases where beneficiaries are not receiving prompt response from a trustee, or where information is either not forthcoming, inaccurate or misleading.
You may be concerned about the manner with which a trustee is managing the assets of the trust itself. There may be uneven or excessive distributions, or concerns that the trustee is using trust assets for their own personal gain. In other situations, the circumstances surrounding the trust may no longer be true or viable, and the trust may no longer be required in order to accomplish its purpose.
Focused Representation And Practical Advice
At the law firm of Janathan L. Allen, APC, based in San Diego, we provide practical legal advice and strong representation in trust litigation and contested matters related to trusts and estates. We are equipped to represent:
Trust beneficiaries whose rights and interests may have been compromised
Trustees who have been accused of negligence, mismanagement of funds or other wrongdoing
Parties in cases alleging breach of fiduciary duty and conflicts of interest
Parties in mediated and arbitrated matters
Estates themselves
Our firm is known for providing seamless service and offering comprehensive advice that empowers our clients to make sound decisions. We welcome the opportunity to serve you.
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Contact Us To Learn More About Allen Barron's Services
For more information or to discuss your tax, legal and accounting needs contact Allen Barron or call 866-631-3470 for a free and confidential initial consultation. Learn about the importance of integrated business strategy and coordination across legal, tax and accounting systems.
Offices of Allen Barron, Inc.
Main Office
16745 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 260
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: 858-304-0947
Phone: 866-631-3470
Fax: 858-376-1410
San Diego Office
5720 Oberlin Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 866-631-3470
Fax: 760-741-1410
Las Vegas Office
333 South Sixth Street, Suite 230
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-749-4430
Fax: 702-933-1748
San Diego Office
750 B Street, Suite 2610
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-702-8356
Fax: 619-923-8356
San Francisco Office
300 Montgomery Street, Suite 410
San Francisco, CA 94101
Phone: 415-481-0475
Fax: 415-762-1539
Phoenix Office
40 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-903-7018
Fax: 602-357-1655