What Can a San Diego Tax Attorney Do For You?
Why Should You Look For A Tax Attorneys With Integrated Accounting, Tax and Legal Services?
Simply put, an experienced Allen Barron San Diego tax attorney can:
Provide strategies to reduce your federal, state, local and international taxes
Prepare all business and personal tax returns
Protect you from audits and legal exposure
Represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and all other domestic and international tax agencies
Save you a substantial amount of real money
It Begins with an Aversion to Taxes
An aversion to taxes is why America exists, but disliking taxes is not an acceptable excuse for failing to pay them: you need legal help to address tax issues.
In 1773, the Sons of Liberty tossed a few barrels of tea into Boston Harbor in protest because they had no intention of wasting a drop of the beverage whose oppressive taxation by the British most raised their ire: rum. The rum business was the largest and most profitable industry in colonial America, at least until the Sugar Act of 1764 came along, and rebellious souls began to air their taxation grievances throughout the colonies – many of them in taverns over a glass of (heavily taxed) rum.
An aversion to high taxes is even more American than apple pie (which took until the 1800s to become a delicious symbol of national pride). There is nothing wrong or unpatriotic about wanting to pay no more than your fair share, and you should realize the maximize value possible under the tax code. But, you probably will not be able to do it alone; an experienced tax attorney can help in a variety of ways.
Prevent Tax Audits and Minimize Tax Exposure
Benjamin Franklin is credited with coining the idiom, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Although Ben was talking about firefighting in Philadelphia, he could just as well have been referencing the modern American tax system.
So what can a tax attorney do for you and why should you consider Allen Barron? Becoming familiar with the ins and outs of the tax code takes years, and the domestic tax code has brought substantial recent revisions which change fundamental domestic tax strategies. There are much fewer deductions for the typical US taxpayer and a new transactional plan is required to ensure minimum tax exposure.
US taxpayers have been lulled into a false sense of security. The prevalence of tax preparation software and the offerings of national tax preparation services seem to make taxes a breeze. The simple reality is this: tax preparation should only be a breeze if you aren’t making a lot of money. If you (and your spouse if applicable) earn above $150,000, have your own business or S Corporation, have international or offshore investments or are living abroad as a U.S. citizen you need an experienced international tax attorney.
What can a tax attorney do for you to reduce taxes and exposure to audits? Getting professional assistance in avoiding tax problems can not only mean value at the outset, it can save you from costly fines and penalties down the road. You may even avoid the hassle and expense of an IRS audit or California tax inquiry entirely, as experienced tax attorneys know how to defuse the red flags that the IRS commonly looks for in deciding who should be audited.
An Experienced Tax Lawyer can Argue Against Audits and Penalties and Settle Tax Debts
So, you agree that Ben Franklin gives good advice and wish you had taken it, but the tea’s already floating away in the harbor. Is it too late to benefit from the assistance of a tax attorney and what can a tax attorney do for you?
Hardly. If you are being audited, your tax attorney can argue that the IRS or the State of California got it wrong and appeal if necessary. Your tax lawyer can minimize penalties and interest, and may even be able to settle your tax debt for less than you owe.
And, when tax evasion charges are being contemplated, your lawyer can help convince the IRS that you made an honest mistake rather than a criminal decision – potentially keeping matters from leaving the arena of dollars and cents and progressing into that of bars and chains.
Whether you need tax advice to prevent problems or to address them, now is the time to get in touch with an experienced tax attorney. We invite you to contact Allen Barron or call 866-631-3470 today to schedule a free consultation or appointment with one of our experienced tax lawyers.
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Contact Us To Learn More About Allen Barron's Services
For more information or to discuss your tax, legal and accounting needs contact Allen Barron or call 866-631-3470 for a free and confidential initial consultation. Learn about the importance of integrated business strategy and coordination across legal, tax and accounting systems.
Offices of Allen Barron, Inc.
Main Office
16745 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 260
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: 858-304-0947
Phone: 866-631-3470
Fax: 858-376-1410
San Diego Office
5720 Oberlin Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 866-631-3470
Fax: 760-741-1410
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333 South Sixth Street, Suite 230
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-749-4430
Fax: 702-933-1748
San Diego Office
750 B Street, Suite 2610
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-702-8356
Fax: 619-923-8356
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300 Montgomery Street, Suite 410
San Francisco, CA 94101
Phone: 415-481-0475
Fax: 415-762-1539
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40 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-903-7018
Fax: 602-357-1655